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multI Tracking

A multitrack recording consists of multiple, separate streams of sound. During a typical music recording session, individual instruments or voices will be recorded, each on its separate track. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I shifted my focus to this medium in order continue my musical growth through my doctoral degree.  I have studied multitracking and mixing in three digital audio workstations (DAWs) and recorded with a variety of microphones and interfaces. I have studied the efficacy of this equipment, and its effectiveness in horn recording. Most importantly, this study was paramount in exploring my own playing in depth, and investigating my own artistry. Below are products of that journey.


Each video in the project was recorded and produced all with different means. This can encompass horn related equipment such as mouthpieces and rims, the location of recording, usage of different microphones, different settings on microphones such as stereo or multidirectional mode. It was in this that my hopes were to understand how each item I used changed sound, or influences the process of recording and mixing music. Each track was recorded in long segments to simulate a "live" recording as live performances in the COVID-19 pandemic were few and far between. There are 4 examples below, but I encourage you to explore the rest of the videos on my YouTube channel here. You can also hear more on Soundcloud.

Microphone: Yeti Blue USB Microphone

Interface: N/A

Camera: MacBook Pro 2020

DAW: Garage Band

Year: 2020

Microphone: Yeti Blue USB Mic

Interface: N/A

Camera: MacBook Pro 2020, Iphone X

DAW: Logic Pro X

Year: 2020

Microphone: Various

Interface: Various

Camera: Iphone X

DAW: Logic Pro X, Audacity

Year: 2021

Microphone: Røde Matched Pair 

Interface: Scarlet 2i2

Camera: Iphone X

DAW: Logic Pro X

Year: 2021

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